Andrew, well said.

       Joel, ... [see my comments below, interspersed within Andrew's]

From: Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <>
Date: Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: North America Touching Basis

On 01/29/2014 04:35 PM, Joel Madero wrote:

 On 01/29/2014 11:38 AM, anne-ology wrote:
>>         Pacific coast then Atlantic coast then Pacific coast -
>>             yet there's a couple thousand miles in between;
>>         seems to me, if you really wanted our participation - and help,
>> financial & otherwise - you'd meet somewhere in between ... ... ...  ;-)

>  Well the reality is the population density is on the coasts (for the
> most part) so events happen on the coasts.
> Best,
> Joel

But the Largest US Cities are generally not on the coast (which does not
make your statement wrong).

1. New York City   [is on the verge of bankruptcy; prices are sky-high]
2. Los Angeles   [is on the verge of bankruptcy; prices are sky-high -
crime is rampant]
3. Chicago   [crime is rampant]
4 Houston  [this area is continually growing; now population exceeds other
5 Philadelphia  [or Pittsburgh, or Indianapolis, Indiana, or Columbus,
Ohio, or Nashville, Tennessee, or St. Louis, Missouri, or the Gulf of
Mexico coastline - Texas to Florida would be good choices - have
institutions of learning nearby, scenic areas for tours, good, wholesome
food reasonably priced, good,quality lodging reasonably priced, easy access
to airports & public transportation systems]
6, Phoenix  [somewhat similar to #5 above yet climate better but more
elderly citizenry]
7. San Antonio [somewhat similar to Houston & Phoenix]

In fact, if I list the top 20, there is a very small number on the coast.

There is a large "tech" population in California, I will give you that
much.  [ditto in those I've listed in #5 - in fact, south Mississippi has
more technological training than nearly anywhere.]

If you want to hit the largest population (east coast) with the smallest
average travel distance, you pick the middle of Ohio (Columbus, Ohio).

I think that what you really want is:

1. Easy / cheap air fare to the location  [then you don't want to go to the
coastal areas when the mid-section rates are far more economical]
2. Affordable lodging and food    [then you don't want to go to the coastal
areas when the mid-section rates are far more economical with better

What I have not bothered to figure out if (1) means you want to choose an
airline's hub city, which increases the odds that you will have a direct
flight, or, if you want a city that is not a hub since the airline often
charges more for direct flights. I remember considering leaving from
Detroit Michigan to fly to Florida, but, it was cheaper for me to use a
connector into Detroit before getting on that same flight to Florida.

Andrew Pitonyak
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