Le 06/02/2014 05:50, Mark LaPierre a écrit :
> Hey all,
> I have HSQLDB installed here:
> /home/database/back/hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar
> I want the Base front end here:
> /home/database/recipe/recipe.odb
> On the LibreOffice Database Wizard:
> 1. Select Database
>       I select the radio button: [Connect to an existing database]
>       I select [JDBC] in the section box and then click [Next>>]
> 2. Set up JDBC connection
>       I fill in [data source URL]:  jdbc:[../back/hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar]
>       What do I put in the [JDBC driver class] box?
> The HSQLDB documentation suggests that there is a JDBC driver in the
> hsqldb.jar file but that doesn't work.
> I assume that the HSQLDB package contains a driver.jar somewhere.  What
> should I put in for the JDBC driver class path?

(some terms below freely translated from my FR environment)

-- data source (URL)
hsqldb:file:<path to the

In <path to the .odb> above do not specify the .odb extension.
Sset the defaults above as you prefer; these work for me.

-- JDBC driver class

-- A question: did you set the class path and configuration for Java?
If not, go to Tools/Options, LibreOffice / Java.
Check that "Use a Java setup" is checked, then add the Java environment
setup on the PC.

Once this is set, click Class path
In the new dialog:
(1) Add an archive
Point to the hsqldb.jar on your PC (mine is C:\Program
(2) Add a file
Point to the above \lib subdir

You should be up and running.

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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