On 02/27/2014 11:40 AM, Don C. Myers wrote:

On 02/27/2014 10:13 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 02/27/2014 10:01 AM, Dave Barton wrote:
Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 02/26/2014 10:43 PM, Dale Rebgetz wrote:
There is a 10 MB file size limit, which my book exceeds due to the
included pictures.
Thomas, beginning with LibreOffice 4.1 there is a new feature where if
you right-click on an image in your document you will see the option
"Compress Graphic...".

This opens a dialogue box where you are provided with information about that image (including its current size), proposed compression settings, and a Calculate button to see the new size of that image if you were to
accept those settings.

I have not found a way to do this on all the images at once.

Because the changes are permanent, I suggest you *first* save a copy of
the original (large) document. That way you can try again if you
compress the images too much and loose too much image quality.

What format and compression "level" are you using for your images?

You could always use JPG and make the image "compressed" to the greatest level that still a good viewable quality. Also, make sure you images are the "exact" size you want for the document and not need to resize it to a smaller size in the document to fit the image area you are using. That will reduce the amount of "space" in the file needed to store the image.
I have seen too many documents with nearly full page size images that
are reduced to a visible one of less that 2 inches. That just add a lot
of file size to the document that is not needed.

So, make you image out side your document the visible size and
compression level you want/need first, then you do not need to resize it
in the document and add unneeded file space/size in your document.
Many image formats, especially jpeg images downloaded from digital
cameras, contain metadata tags (eg camera maker/model, time/date and
many others). Removing all these metadata tags can sometimes make a
worthwhile contribution to reducing the size of your image files.

A handy little program I use for resizing, compressing and stripping
metadata from images before inserting them into a document is "FastStone
Image Viewer": http://www.faststone.org/FSViewerDetail.htm Not OSS, but
free for personal use. A Windows only program, but undoubtedly there are
equal or better ones for other platforms.


Yes, the whole idea is to reduce all of the file size of the image before you use it in your document. I keep forgetting about stripping the Metadata from the image.

I use Faststone Image Viewer in Ubuntu running it in Wine. I use it to sort and rename pictures for websites. There is also a free Windows program called Easy Thumbnails, which works great for resizing pictures and also making high quality thumbnails. I also run it in Ubuntu using Wine. Both have several quirks in Wine, but nothing making them not usable. I've not found any Linux equivalents for these. Another option in Linux running gnome would be to install the nautilus image converter which allows you to resize pictures directly in a folder by right clicking on the photo or photos, and then resizing directly from the menu without even needing to open a program.


Some photo/image software has "save for the web" type of options. Last time I used one of those Windows image editors, it did reduce the size of the image's file by a lot and still made the visual image look good. I think many of the more "professional" - i.e. not free - packages do have some type of image size reduction procedure to prepare the image for the web. That way the user does not have to download large images files, and saves bandwidth.

Yes, I do have a few paid Windows packages, even though I am a Ubuntu user by default. Still there are a lot of free stuff out there for Windows and Ubuntu that can do the same thing. You just have to look for them and look for their image reduction for the web option. Sometimes it is buried, or at least the last time I look for them they tended to be.

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