Il 03/04/2014 17:52, Kracked_P_P---webmaster ha scritto:

I do not know if this would be of any use to TDF/LO, or any of the users
of this list, but I thought this was something that might be interesting
reading and a "first" for Microsoft.


"The source code for MS DOS 1.1 and 2.0 is available for download here. Word for Windows 1.1a can be found here."

Looks to me like they're playing it safe, to say the least. Despite being prehistoric as well, they didn't even dare release the source code of version 6.20 or even 3.20!

As for Word 1.1a I doubt it could be of any practical interest, given the file formats are usually backwards incompatible from one version to the next... :-)

So yes, it all might be techinically quite interesting, but in the end I think it's nothing more than a publicity stunt.

Marcello Romani

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