On Sat, 05 Apr 2014 16:43:46 -0400
Kracked_P_P---webmaster <webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:

> I hated CP/M 

It was nearly indistinguishable from DOS, or DOS was nearly
indistinguishable from it, depending upon ones perspective.

> The other rooms had old Apple [before Macs] and they had
> CP/M OS options, ...

No, they didn't.  Early Apple PCs ran the MOS Technologies (later:
Mostek) 6502.  CP/M never ran on anything but the Intel 8080 and
Zilog Z80. (And only on the latter because it was a superset of the
former.) Eventually, Kildall realized the 8-bit processors' days were
numbered (duh) and created CP/M-86, but, by then, it was way, way too

The shame of Kildall's mistake was that going from the 8080 to the
8086 instruction set would have been a boringly trivial exercise,
since the 8086/8088 family was essentially an 8080 on steroids.

> Those were the days of the early home PC market and the beginning
> of a PC in every home idea.  Before them, most home computer
> devices were toys.

People did some truly useful things with those "toys."  My "toy"
computer ran inventory and purchasing control for the company for
which I worked, at the time ;)

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