On 04/05/2014 03:05 PM, Jim Seymour wrote:
On Sat, 05 Apr 2014 13:57:48 -0400
James Knott <james.kn...@rogers.com> wrote:

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 04/04/2014 05:56 PM, CVAlkan wrote:
Not sure if my recollections are correct, but I don't believe
either DOS (before 2.x) or the DOS version of Word were written
by Microsoft. I seem to
recall that both were purchased and re-branded.
DOS was bought from Seattle Computer Products and it was originally
intended to be a hardware test system, while waiting for CP/M-86,
rather than a proper OS.
Do not remember 8 inch ones.  I remember 10 inch, and then the 5.x
inch ones. [single sided and then double sided]

The first floppies, as invented by IBM, were 8".  There never were
10" floppies.

8", 5-1/4", then 3-1/2".  The first Winchester drives were 10", IIRC.

Maybe I got confused. I thought my "10 inch" was from a DEC system. It was sure big. Maybe they used a different type. I donated it to a college teaching staff for demoing old tech, along with my samples of a punched card program, and some paper tape.

DOS *was* originally designed and written by SCP, but I do not recall
it being a "test" system.  Digital Research was essentially ignoring
the new Intel processors, and the people that formed SCP finally got
tired of waiting for something that showed no signs of ever
happening, and created what became DOS.  That was half of a
double-screw up by Gary Kildall, who formed and led DRI.  The 2nd
screw-up (this story is apocryphal) was him leaving visitors from IBM
to meet with his wife, rather than him.  IBM decided DRI was not
serious, stopped in to see Gates, Gates bought "DOS," and the rest is
history.  So is DRI.

I still have a well-thumbed and somewhat yellowed CP/M 1.4 User's
Manual on my bookshelf :)  Says "Distributed by Lifeboat Associates"
on it.  Anybody remember them?

I hated CP/M and had to deal with an early college computer center that had IBM [brand and not clones] PC-XTs and a few of them actually had a graphics card and not the original 80x40 characters type of display. They all were double single-sided floppy 5.25 inch. The other rooms had old Apple [before Macs] and they had CP/M OS options, and the next room had DEC terminals to the mini-mainframes. While I was there a math professor brought in the "new" Apple computer called a Macintosh. We also a 10 inch screen portable PC-AT or XT that weighted over 40 pounds.

The next college center had both DEC terminals and a few dual floppy PCs that were connected to the DEC system via a terminal emulator called Kermit, if my memory is correct. I used its upload/download abilities to save all my work for that college onto the floppies and also did some editing at home. My first PC I had at home was a "clone" from a kit that cost about half of the IBM prices.

Those were the days of the early home PC market and the beginning of a PC in every home idea. Before them, most home computer devices were toys.

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