Sounds like the reason these programs are pre-programmed to save
every so often ...
            yikes ... ... ... ;-0

       Well, I think I'll return to referring to these machines as
'glorified typewriters'  ;-)
            the KISs method doesn't allow for comprehending all the inner
workings of these thing-a-ma-jigs  ;-)

       Reminds me of ... ... ... ;-)  ;-)  ;-)

       "`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
           "Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
       "All mimsy were the borogoves,
           "And the mome raths outgrabe."
                            ... ... ...  by Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
a.k.a. Lewis Carroll

From: Heinrich Stoellinger <>
Date: Sat, May 10, 2014 at 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Native Connector

I am NOT referring to the server-side machine shutting down but - as I
mentioned already earlier - to the MySQL-Server-parameter "wait_timeout"
which is specified in my.cnf. It simply defines the interval of "no request"
from a particular client to the server it is connected to. The server shuts
down the connection if that period has expired without further hearing
from the client. My problem is that I am NOT the system administrator
of the server and the sysadmin of the server won't increase that
wait_timeout value. JDBC has a way around this by auto-reconnecting the
client if this is specified when establishing the connection. This is
NOT an ideal situation (re-establishing the connection takes time...) but
it is certainly better than having to shutdown/restart LO...
H. S.

On Sat, 10 May 2014 23:13:38 +0200, anne-ology <> wrote:

        If you're referring to the computer-machine shutting down and/or
> entering sleep-mode, then there's a simple solution;
>             if you're referring to something else - well, I haven't a clue.
>        If the 1st - go to properties/options/ and re-set the timing
> mechanism to never shut down
>            you can also do similarly in various programs - as LO -
        which otherwise decide they want to save every so often, causing
> me to lose my train of thought while writing  ;-)
>        If the 2nd - I'll be awaiting someone else's response on this list;
>            and will attempt to figure out what's what  ;-)
> From: Heinrich Stoellinger <>
> Date: Sat, May 10, 2014 at 8:08 AM
> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Native Connector
> To: "" <>
> on
> Hello,
> It's good to see a native connector for MySQL under 4.2.
> One question: In the server my.cnf the value for wait_timeout
> is set to 60 seconds and will not be increased. This is a nuisance
> if one needs to be connected over longer periods but sometimes
> has to go away from there client for more than a minute.
> Under the JDBC-connector there is a possibility to specify
> "?auto-reconnect=true" after the database name.
> Is there some facility like that under the native connector?
> Regards
> H. Stoellinger

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