On Mon, 12 May 2014 06:37:09 +0200, Alex Thurgood <alex.thurg...@gmail.com> 

Le 10/05/2014 15:08, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

You do not give the whole story :

- which connector are you talking about, where did you get it ? It is
not supplied by default with official builds of LO, so either it has
been included as a packet with your Linux distribution, or else you have
got it from somewhere else ;
I use JDBC-Connector mysql-connector-java-5.1.30-bin.jar; can't tell you
where I got it from, certainly not from a Linux-distribution (I run
Debian-Wheezy and Mint-16 respectively).

- as for the autoreconnect, have you tried adding this as a parameter in
the database URL when you set up the connection (i.e. as you would with
the JDBC connector) - alternatively, is there anything in the Advanced
Properties of the database connection ?
Yes, with a JDBC-Connection (not in the native connection case!) one can
specify "?autoReconnect=true" right after the database name. The connector
obviously uses this parameter to automatically reconnect to the server
when the latter closes the connection after the idle time specified in
my.cnf (or defaulted to the MUCH higher value mentioned by Girvin).

If there isn't, or if the suggestion I made above doesn't work, then I
doubt that it is possible. The only other alternative is to shut down
the ODB and re-open it periodically.
I don't have to shut down the ODB --- see above!


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