Le Sat, 28 Jun 2014 16:03:59 +0200,
"Charles-H. Schulz" <charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org> a écrit :

> Hello Tim,
> Le Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:23:23 -0400,
> Kracked_P_P---webmaster <webmas...@krackedpress.com> a écrit :
> > 
> > I would like to know which of the older versions of LO has the best 
> > ability to import really old word processor formats.
> > 
> > I remember that LO was reducing the number of import filters for
> > those old file formats, but I may need one of them.
> > 
> > I have been asked to copy files off a floppy drive and convert the
> > files to be able to work with the current tech.  Right now, I have
> > to find a working floppy drive to access the disc.  Right now, the
> > only system with a floppy drive has a non-working drive, I have to
> > replace it.  My main system does not even have a cable port for a
> > floppy drive, and it seems all of the others I have opened up are
> > the same.
> > 
> > So, as soon as I get a working floppy drive working, I will need to
> > get support for 1990's to early 2000's era word processing formats.
> > The way she remembers, she did not use Word, but may have used Works
> > or some other older package that are before MSO .doc format became
> > the "standard" format before FOSS office packages came out.
> > 
> > Any idea which older version of LO would be the best to try?  As I
> > have stated, as soon as I get a working floppy drive installed, then
> > I will know which legacy format I need to work with.  It would be
> > nice to know which version of LO to install for the conversion to
> > the modern formats 
> > - MSO's and ODF.
> > 
> I could actually point you to the latest version of LibreOffice (the
> 4.2.5) as the project keeps on creating new filters for these old
> formats. 
> As for recommending anything older than the currently supported
> versions (4.1.6 and 4.2.5), it is just unwise to do this and we do not
> do it anyway: there are some major security holes left unpatched, and
> anyway the "old" versions are no longer supported. 

To which I should add that the 4.3.0 will be released by the end of


Charles-H. Schulz 
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