On 06/28/2014 10:09 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Le Sat, 28 Jun 2014 16:03:59 +0200,
"Charles-H. Schulz" <charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org> a écrit :

Hello Tim,

Le Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:23:23 -0400,
Kracked_P_P---webmaster <webmas...@krackedpress.com> a écrit :

I would like to know which of the older versions of LO has the best
ability to import really old word processor formats.

I remember that LO was reducing the number of import filters for
those old file formats, but I may need one of them.

I have been asked to copy files off a floppy drive and convert the
files to be able to work with the current tech.  Right now, I have
to find a working floppy drive to access the disc.  Right now, the
only system with a floppy drive has a non-working drive, I have to
replace it.  My main system does not even have a cable port for a
floppy drive, and it seems all of the others I have opened up are
the same.

So, as soon as I get a working floppy drive working, I will need to
get support for 1990's to early 2000's era word processing formats.
The way she remembers, she did not use Word, but may have used Works
or some other older package that are before MSO .doc format became
the "standard" format before FOSS office packages came out.

Any idea which older version of LO would be the best to try?  As I
have stated, as soon as I get a working floppy drive installed, then
I will know which legacy format I need to work with.  It would be
nice to know which version of LO to install for the conversion to
the modern formats
- MSO's and ODF.

I could actually point you to the latest version of LibreOffice (the
4.2.5) as the project keeps on creating new filters for these old

As for recommending anything older than the currently supported
versions (4.1.6 and 4.2.5), it is just unwise to do this and we do not
do it anyway: there are some major security holes left unpatched, and
anyway the "old" versions are no longer supported.
To which I should add that the 4.3.0 will be released by the end of


I would be doing the work, then removing the older version in favor of the newer ones.

Hope to download the current versions of LO, again, and all of the info I was working on. I lost my list of which versions supported which formats, and will have to look into that again, with a drive failure.

Interesting that I read a while back on the lists that some of the older legacy formats were not going to be supported anymore. I have no problem with using the current version[s] of LO, if it would work with the file format. Once I get a working floppy drive setup to read it. I know that the drive is bad, since it cannot read/write/format/etc. the blank floppies I have.

I may opt for a USB floppy drive, instead of trying to get the 12+ year old system to use a "parts box" floppy drive. I had one for an old laptop [XP era] but it dropped and stopped working. Will work on that. Just recovered from a 2-TB drive failure for a drive that was 10 months old. Have backups for my large drives, but lost some work between backups and had some backup file corrupted as the drive was failing the night of the backup process. New drive in and old drive going to be replaced via warranty and used as another spare/backup drive. I tend to replace drives after 2 years of use and keep the old ones "offline" for USB backups or system spares. Never had a new one die in only 10 months. I currently have three SATA 2-TB data drives and one 250-GB IDE OS drive internal and three SATA 2-TB USB backup drives with a spare IDE drive as well. I use one drive - the failed one - as both for data and an internal backup for the Linux OS drive's /user/ Home folder[s].

That is why I have been offline these past weeks. My LO folder, with all my working files, was on the failed drive. Took some time to get a new one in so I could have a place to try to recover anything from the failed drive. The Floppy project was pushed back, along with a lot of other "stuff" since the failure and the heat/humidity issues that came up with the coming of summer.

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