
Kracked_P_P---webmaster schrieb:

I would like to know which of the older versions of LO has the best
ability to import really old word processor formats.

I remember that LO was reducing the number of import filters for those
old file formats, but I may need one of them.

The version 3 line is the last LibreOffice version, which supports .sdw and the other StarDivision formats, or use OpenOffice.3.4.1.

I have been asked to copy files off a floppy drive and convert the files
to be able to work with the current tech.  Right now, I have to find a
working floppy drive to access the disc.  Right now, the only system
with a floppy drive has a non-working drive, I have to replace it.  My
main system does not even have a cable port for a floppy drive, and it
seems all of the others I have opened up are the same.

I keep my old notebook to be able to read the floppy disks.

There exists still offers for external floppy disks drives, for example "DELOCK 18170".

So, as soon as I get a working floppy drive working, I will need to get
support for 1990's to early 2000's era word processing formats.  The way
she remembers, she did not use Word, but may have used Works or some
other older package that are before MSO .doc format became the
"standard" format before FOSS office packages came out.

Any idea which older version of LO would be the best to try?  As I have
stated, as soon as I get a working floppy drive installed, then I will
know which legacy format I need to work with.  It would be nice to know
which version of LO to install for the conversion to the modern formats
- MSO's and ODF.

I would not focus on LibreOffice, but look for other converters too. But first you need to know the actual formats.

Kind regards

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