On Fri, 4 Jul 2014 08:37:46 +0100
Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *  Some distros have already moved from MySql to MariaDb

How does a distro "move from" one dbms to another?  Admittedly: I
don't keep track of all the latest & greatest stuff on the FOSS world
(I presume MariaDb is FOSS?), but I'd never heard of MariaDb before.
Furthermore: Considering how even PostgreSQL, which has, technically
speaking, been around *longer* than MySQL, can gain little traction
as a backend dbms for many projects, I would think it would be
suicide for any distro to try to "move from" MySQL to such a thing.

> I really wish there was someone on the Postgresql mailing list who
> would let us know each time they have a stable or LTS or such-like
> release.

I'm not certain what would be the point to that.  Besides: If people
want to know: They can sign up to the PostgreSQL "Announcements"
mailing list.  (*All* PostgreSQL branches are "LTS," btw.  Generally
they all have about a five-year lifespan.)

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