On 7/4/2014 7:45 AM, Vitorio Delage wrote:
Because MariaDB is a fork, so very compatible with MySQL (at least in the first 

Mariadb has been around for a long time, and is still billed as a drop-in replacement for mysql, I don't think that is supposed to be changing any time soon.

In gentoo, it was as simple as emerge -c mysql and emerge mariadb. I put it off for a long time out of fear, and it was pretty much a non-event.

As for how a distro moves from one dbms to another, this question displays ignorance about how distro s work.

Pretty much all distros have 'default' system packages, including DB's. distros who have always used mysql as their default have been switching to mariadb as the new default. Doesn't mean you can choose something else (mysql, or postgresql, etc)...

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