Hi :)
MariaDb's stated aims were to remain a "drop in replacement" for MySql.
It's not easy!

Distros, especially gateway ones (for people new to Gnu&Linux) often have a
whole load of apps already installed.  It's usually fairly easy to install
others but many people are likely to stick with the default apps unless
they find a good reason to change.

So, when pretty much all distros swapped-out OpenOffice and started having
LibreOffice as their default office suite they effectively moved from
OpenOffice to LibreOffice.  Much the same is happening with MariaDb.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 4 July 2014 13:07, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

> On 7/4/2014 7:45 AM, Vitorio Delage wrote:
>> Because MariaDB is a fork, so very compatible with MySQL (at least in the
>> first versions)
> Mariadb has been around for a long time, and is still billed as a drop-in
> replacement for mysql, I don't think that is supposed to be changing any
> time soon.
> In gentoo, it was as simple as emerge -c mysql and emerge mariadb. I put
> it off for a long time out of fear, and it was pretty much a non-event.
> As for how a distro moves from one dbms to another, this question displays
> ignorance about how distro s work.
> Pretty much all distros have 'default' system packages, including DB's.
> distros who have always used mysql as their default have been switching to
> mariadb as the new default. Doesn't mean  you can choose something else
> (mysql, or postgresql, etc)...
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