Le 07.08.2014 14:50, Paul a écrit :
On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 09:59:46 +0200
"Charles-H. Schulz" <charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:

Le 07.08.2014 09:54, Tom Davies a écrit :
> Hi :)
> +1
> (to James's suggestion.)
> I think most people on this mailing list would probably agree with
> getting
> the 4.2.6.

That is your own wild call and your own opinion. I don't agree with
you. Many people don't agree with you. Stop saying somebody should
get the version you like.

Again, with all due respect Charles, but I have heard many people on
this list echo that sentiment. It seems to me like every time this
question comes up there are far more people recommending going for the
more stable branch than there are recommending going for the less stable
branch, if there are even any of those.

Tom's suggestion is far from a wild call, although you are of course
free to disagree with it.

It is a wild call not because it is unreasonable (it isn't) but because it is peremptory. Yes, we can read here, on this list, that the newer branch is a problem. We have read it since several years but I'd like to point out two rather different elements. - the same people complain about the same things for years, right here. For instance Tom has always said here and elsewhere he was not understanding the reason of two branches. Noop has always complained about the two branches and the release pace. It does not make their opinion invalid, but I'm suggesting a pattern here. - This list is interesting, because it is one type of location. As it happens, my main contributions these past months to the project have been creating and sharing content on social media on behalf of LibreOffice and TDF (yes I'm the main guy behind the daily tweets). You would not believe how different the feedback is. True, people report bugs just like with anything else, but 90% of the time, the people on the social media are users who keep asking for new features and want more and more of them. There was to my knowledge, since January 2014 exactly two people who wrote that they experienced a bug (with the newer branch) and were switching back to the older one. And we get feedback everyday from several different people, so that could give you an idea of the volume we're dealing here with.

What am I trying to show here?

Certainly not that people on social media are "more right" than people here. But that the opinions diverge with demographics, the place, the crowds, the kind of usage, etc. Indeed here, everytime this question arises, the same people will repeat the same arguments. It does not make their opinions unfair or inaccurate; but an echo chamber is also very easy to form on the Internet, esp. on a mailing list. Last but not least, positive feedback is rare compared to negative - here, in FOSS or in any customer service. I'd be shocked it we experienced the opposite :-)




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