I really just got a little laugh (not following the thread generally) but:

> Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote on 8/8/2014 9:59 AM:
> >
> >
> > Everything really depends on you neighbors' needs, and wants.  You need
> > to discuss with them what they want our of the software packages you
> > install for them.
> Not my neighbors! They want to be able to open DOC files, write letters,
> maybe do a simple spreadsheet. So compatibility with MSO files is
> super-important.
> Software should be transparent.

Having "software should be transparent" next to "be able to open DOC files"
(doc of course being closed source proprietary software for years
controlled by a company who is anything but transparent) reads a bit
comical :)

Again - not following the thread generally and purposely am avoiding
further comment. Just got a little kick out of this particular email :) Not
that I disagree that interoperability is super important - I'd say equally
important is convincing our neighbors that there are alternatives that are
indeed transparent, functional, and easy to use (odf of course).


> --
*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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