One has Windows XP.

One has Windows 7 and one has Windows 8.
         4.2.6 for Win7, same for Win8.x
         but I never used Win8 before, only XP through Win7.
         there is only one Windows install for both 32-bit and 64-bit.

One has Ubuntu and one has Linux Mint.
        There are 32-bit and 64-bit .deb installs
I have both 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu [13.xx and 14.04] and Linux Mint [16 and 17] systems.
        Use Linux Mint 16 for main system.

Another has Red Hat and another has a Mac.
        Red Hat - 32-bit or 64-bit?  .rpm install
        Mac - x86-64-bit, x86, or PPC?
              PPC - last version for it was 4.1.x[?]
there are installs for Mac's 64-bit systems, but use x86 for the language packs for both [if needed]

Remember to download the needed help packs and any language packs for the version of Linux [.deb and .rpm, 32 and 64 bit]

If they need an email client, browser, firewall, antivirus, etc., then try the following. . .
    email client - Thunderbird, or another good free one
    browser - Firefox and/or Chrome
security - for Windows, I use Comodo Internet Suite [free] that includes antivirus, firewall, and some other "stuff"

Everything really depends on you neighbors' needs, and wants. You need to discuss with them what they want our of the software packages you install for them.

I switched from MS Office 2003 to OOo, then when LibreOffice came out I went to it and never looked back. I have been using Thunderbird long before I stopped using Outlook Express [Win XP days]. I have been using Firefox almost that long. Now I add Chrome [yes for both Windows and Linux] just to have some of its feature - like sharing the bookmarks, etc., with my tablet's Chrome browser - Desktop's Chrome imported the Firefox bookmarks and such - then Desktop's Chrome shares all of those things with the Nook tablet's Chrome browser install.

On 08/08/2014 09:24 AM, Paul wrote:
Italo makes a good point, perhaps the best thing to do is to explain
the situation to your neighbours and let them decide.

I'm not sure if that's an option; I know at least one couple I have
installed LO for that keep confusing LO and their mailreader,
firewall, firefox, etc... Trying to explain to them such differences
*might* work at the time, but they would invariably just get confused
about it later, and give me more hassles when something goes wrong. And
ultimately, they would probably just ask for my opinion anyway.

For them, they are a basic usage scenario, so they don't really need
anything more than what LO already has. However, almost any time
anything goes even slightly wrong they tend to start talking about how I
should uninstall it and put on MSO, so I definitely want the Still
branch for them, as anything to reduce the number of issues they have
makes my life a whole lot easier, even if it is just by one minor bug.

But your neighbours may be a little more savvy. This couple may be able
to use a computer, but they don't get how the pieces fit together. If
your neighbours understand just a little more, asking them what they
prefer may be a good option. YMMV.


On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 19:36:55 -0600
Italo Vignoli <> wrote:

On 07/08/14 14:14, Paul wrote:

The big debate recently has been over exactly this issue. A lot of
people on this list (myself included) have expressed the opinion
that it is best in this sort of circumstance to go for Still, but
Charles is among those that feel that it is best to go for Fresh.
I have read most of the thread (I am on holiday in the US, and I do
not read all emails I receive), so I might have missed something

I think that either opinion is right, because it is based on each one
needs and experiences. I am a user, without major technical skills,
but I have always used the latest version without real problems (some
crash but no more and no less than with other software, including
proprietary ones).

I have never lost any information, and although I am a heavy Impress
user I have never lost any image in any file (even while switching
from MacOS X to Linux and vice versa). I mention this, because it is
a real problem for many users.

This represents my experience, and is worth as much as my experience
can be considered a good one or a bad one. I think that free software
should teach users to be more self conscious about their skills, and
decide which is the best version for their needs.

I second Charles' opinion about a larger number of users choosing the
latest release (fresh) over the older one (still). Of course, these
are not scientific statistics, but individual perceptions. In some
cases I have suggested the older release, and I am definitely
suggesting the older release to enterprises.

Ultimately it is a choice between Fresh, which has newer features
but also a higher chance of bugs, and Still, which has fewer
features but likely also fewer bugs.
In some cases you need a feature and do not stumble into a bug because
of your workflow, and Fresh is the ideal choice. In some cases, you do
stumble into a bug because of your workflow and Still is the right

I think that it is a matter of explaining to new users that they have
a choice between two options (which is something they never had with
any other software). Some users will understand, some others will not.

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