Joel Madero wrote on 8/8/2014 12:39 PM:
> I really just got a little laugh (not following the thread generally) but:
>     Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote on 8/8/2014 9:59 AM:
>     >
>     >
>     > Everything really depends on you neighbors' needs, and wants.  You need
>     > to discuss with them what they want our of the software packages you
>     > install for them.
>     Not my neighbors! They want to be able to open DOC files, write letters,
>     maybe do a simple spreadsheet. So compatibility with MSO files is
>     super-important.
>     Software should be transparent.
> Having "software should be transparent" next to "be able to open DOC
> files" (doc of course being closed source proprietary software for years
> controlled by a company who is anything but transparent) reads a bit
> comical :)

What difference does it make that a file was produced by a proprietary

The operator of LO would like to be able to just click on that file's
icon or name have LO open it, without having to know anything else about
LO or Microsoft.

That's what I meant by transparent.

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