On 01/19/2015 10:48 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
If you want to later use LO4352, when you start it up, it should only
use the LO4352 user configuration folder (assuming you have named them
the same). I don't thin you can have both running at the same time.

Where did you get that idea from? The location of the user profile is solely determined by the value of the UserInstallation= line in LibreOffice.app/Contents/Resource/bootstraprc (formerly LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/boostraprc; where $SYSUSERCONFIG denotes the ~/Library/Application Support/ directory). It is completely oblivious to any renaming of the LibreOffice.app.

A way to have multiple versions of LO installed independently is to hard-code different UserInstallation= values into the bootstraprcs of at least all but one installations. (These values need to be file URLs, so either keep them starting with $SYSUSERCONFIG, which expands to a file URL, or use file:///... notation.) These versions can then even be run concurrently.

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