At 20:32 12/05/2015 +0200, Honly Wonly wrote:
Am 12.05.2015 um 19:53 schrieb Brian Barker:
At 12:45 12/05/2015 +0200, Honly Wonly wrote:
I need, of course, formulas to be case sensitive. This can be set in the options for calc. The option is not saved permanently and every time I open a spreadsheet, I need to set the option again.

I'm surprised by that. If you mean the options at Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Calc | Calculate | Case sensitive, doesn't this apply per user and thus stick not only between documents but between LibreOffice sessions?

No, this option is not remembered.

I've done some research, and the setting is stored in registrymodifications.xcu in the profile. So yes: it *will* be saved per user, not per document or per system, and will stick across LibreOffice sessions. (But perhaps not, as I suggested, if you have a corrupt profile.)

How can I save this option permanently so I don't need to set it over and over again?

If it doesn't stick - and if this option is, as I imagine, saved in the user profile - you might want to wonder if your user profile has become corrupt. If you close LibreOffice and delete or rename the profile, LibreOffice will create a new, clean one next time you start it. If you then set the option again, does it now stick?

I have seen this on different computers, with both the Linux and the [Windows] version of LO.

If you use different systems, the setting would need to be made in your profile separately on each, of course.

At 12:55 12/05/2015 +0200, Honly Wonly wrote:
To clarify: I need the string comparisons of IF() to be case sensitive:
'if(a1 = "x"; ...)' is, of course, different from 'if(a1 = "X"; ...)'.

Why would anyone make them not case sensitive unless explicitly specified, ...

I suspect those who prefer the other option would ask the opposite question!

Things are usually case sensitive, unless you specify otherwise. It is what I expect.

I'm sorry you missed my point. I understood what you wanted. Anyone reading your enquiry will have understood what you wanted. My point was that others might prefer the existing arrangement. I think others should be given consideration.

If you are looking for references to dogs, you might want to find "Dogs are friendly pets" as well as "My dog's got no nose".

I don't like dogs ...

Did you imagine I was writing for your benefit alone? There are plenty of dog-lovers on the list.

... and how do I specify case sensitiveness per formula?

If the option is, as I suspect, per user, your spreadsheet will go wrong if you need to change the option for another document, if a different user handles it on the same computer, or if you exchange it with someone using a different computer.

I haven't tried with different users.

Actually, it appears you have. You say you have experience of this matter on different operating systems. Even though you are the same person on each, you will be separate users and have separate profiles on the different systems. It is precisely because you may want to move documents in this way that it is far better to control what happens in your formulae and not to rely on option settings.

So you are quite right to identify that building the requirement into your formulae and not relying on options is the reliable way to go. And it's quite easy: the EXACT() function comes to your aid. Instead of using
This will match "X" but not "x" irrespective of the option setting.

Thank you, maybe that works; I'll try it tomorrow.

Oh, it does work for others. I'm not sure how your use if it downgrades this to "maybe".

Brian Barker

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