Am 15.05.2015 um 08:58 schrieb Mike Scott:
Now, if I reload doc1 and doc2 simultaneously, showing in 2 windows,
both spreadsheets show the same results as before. Furthermore, checking
the (expected-to-be-global) Tools option for case sensitivity shows
different values when the dialogue is opened from each window.

Again, checking the contents.xml for each file shows an extra entry
<table:calculation-settings table:case-sensitive="false"/>
for the 'case insensitive' file. (Presumably the default is 'true'.)

So as one would hope, the setting is saved per-file.

Thank you for testing this!

I wouldn't hope that because this setting appears among others which are (or seem to be) global (or defaults or the desired settings, however you might call it), with no indication that this particular setting is per spreadsheet.

My suspicion is that any value in registrymodifications.xcu is simply a
default for new documents.

How are we supposed to know which settings made at Tools->Options are global and which aren't? I would expect all of them to be global and to be remembered between sessions like every other software does in such context.

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