Thank you;
           and for some good examples.

       BTW -
          here's 'compatibility' as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, which
I think is recognized as an authority worldwide  ;-)

[1a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without
problems or conflict

1.1a feeling of sympathy and friendship; like-mindedness

1.2 Computing: The ability of one computer, piece of software, etc., to
work with another]

       To me, fully compatible vs. compatible could parallel identical
twins vs. fraternal twins or clarified butter vs. butter or suede vs.
brushed leather or wood vs. wooden veneer or ... ... ...  ;-)

       And I guess I'm a detailist - perfectionist if you would; I gave up
photography when B&W film became impossible to obtain -
          to me, in composing a photograph I consider all the components
yet with color photography - and now with digital images - the detailing is
impossible to obtain as it was when dealing with silver.

From: toki <>
Date: Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and "complex

On 07/24/2015 09:08 PM, Joel Madero wrote:

> This is simply a false statement. "It's not compatible."

That literally depends upon how "compatibility" is defined.

There are use-cases where MSO 2013 is completely, utterly, and
absolutely incompatible with MSO 2013, when installed on a different

There are use-cases when MSO 2013 and OOo 1.x are completely compatible
with each other.


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