You sound to be a valuable asset to this group;
            may you continue to enjoy LO.

       Now, to attempt to answer your further questions, see below -

From: Peter Pullman <>
Date: Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 9:02 AM
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] WordPad
To: Dennis Carr <>, "" <>


This thank-you is to all who responded.

I'm grateful for all of the help.

This is an active group, to judge by the number of responses that my simple
(er, naïve; maybe, stupid as well) query received.

   [the only stupid question is the un-asked one]

You are, also, an informative, spirited (er, maybe, contentious as well)

   [yes, I'm one of the ones who seem to irk some of the debators; I
apologize to you, a new subscriber, for having to see some of that

Most of you realized how little I knew about LO. I still know little,
though all of you have helped to push away, a good distance, the darkness
that had engulfed me.

First: I solved the problem of putting a WordPad document into LO so that I
could benefit from its vastly superior features. I don't know what I'd been
doing incorrectly, but I now go directly to my desktop LO icon to work on
my novel.

   [well done]

(By the way, at the risk of being told, again, that I don't know what I'm
doing - I don't - I found that when backing up my desktop to an external
hard drive, LO didn't copy to it as the other programs did; I had to back
it up on its own.)

   [that's true -
      and the reason I don't bother with these so-called back-up programs,
rather I save individual files to external HDs;
     if you, as I, merely use this machine as a 'glorified typewriter' then
my system saves time, space on these HDs, & makes the files easily
accessible from the HDs]

On the main matter: There is no way, if I understand all of you, to have
the program save my changes without my answering Yes to the question when
exiting a document.

   [If you set the program to automatically save, it will do so every
minute or so which frustrates me - it stops the program, breaking my train
of thought, in order to save it  ;-(
       so I save any file after typing just what I like and always before
closing the file, placing it in whatever folder I choose]

I'd been looking for an automatic, periodic save without exiting; while
autosave does that, it's only for the purpose of retrieving the document in
case of a malfunction. (Do I have that right? No?)

   [no, but it saves into whatever folder it chooses, not where it can be
retrieved easily]

Even having the option set to saving every five minutes is of no help if I
then exit without saying Yes to a save. . . . And, as one poster put it,
that's a good thing.

   [yes, I would suggest never exiting without saving; unless you've done
nothing to the file since it automatically saved]

It seems that hitting control+s does do the kind of 'internal' save that I
seek; I just have to remember to do it periodically. Thanks to the poster
who recommended that. (As I say, I know so little about all of this.)

To the poster who said that I was wrong, that I didn't join LO because it's
not a membership: Yes, I did. In order to take part in this forum, I had to
sign up.

   [again, my apologies for any of this list-bashing you saw and/or
received; ignore it if you can  ;-)  ]

I'm glad that I did. Long may you all, in your various ways of using and
explaining LO, reign.

Peter Pullman

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