At 07:02 AM 8/16/2015, you wrote:


This thank-you is to all who responded.

I'm grateful for all of the help.

This is an active group, to judge by the number of responses that my simple (er, naïve; maybe, stupid as well) query received.

You are, also, an informative, spirited (er, maybe, contentious as well) group.

Most of you realized how little I knew about LO. I still know little, though all of you have helped to push away, a good distance, the darkness that had engulfed me.

First: I solved the problem of putting a WordPad document into LO so that I could benefit from its vastly superior features. I don't know what I'd been doing incorrectly, but I now go directly to my desktop LO icon to work on my novel.

(By the way, at the risk of being told, again, that I don't know what I'm doing - I don't - I found that when backing up my desktop to an external hard drive, LO didn't copy to it as the other programs did; I had to back it up on its own.)

On the main matter: There is no way, if I understand all of you, to have the program save my changes without my answering Yes to the question when exiting a document.

I'd been looking for an automatic, periodic save without exiting; while autosave does that, it's only for the purpose of retrieving the document in case of a malfunction. (Do I have that right? No?)

Peter, An automatic periodic save without exiting is in LO but you have to set it in the options from the menu. Tools>Options>Load/Save>General Under the Save heading you can set the time interval to save the recovery information AND THE DOCUMENT. Set the time interval for whatever you want and check the box to save the document along with the recovery information. Make the time as short as you are comfortable with realizing that the save operation will interrupt you. Depending on the size of your document and the speed of your computer/hard drive, there may be a measurable pause during the save operation. Contrary to comments, where the document is saved is determined by the folder path you specify in Tools>Options>LibreOffice>Paths>My Documents.


Even having the option set to saving every five minutes is of no help if I then exit without saying Yes to a save. . . . And, as one poster put it, that's a good thing.

It seems that hitting control+s does do the kind of 'internal' save that I seek; I just have to remember to do it periodically. Thanks to the poster who recommended that. (As I say, I know so little about all of this.)

To the poster who said that I was wrong, that I didn't join LO because it's not a membership: Yes, I did. In order to take part in this forum, I had to sign up.

I'm glad that I did. Long may you all, in your various ways of using and explaining LO, reign.

Peter Pullman

> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:06:34 -0700
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] WordPad
> On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 07:07:53 -0700 (MST)
> peterpullman <> wrote:
> > I tried to put the contents of a WordPad document in a file that I had
> > created using Libre Office.
> >
> > I joined Libre because I would like to have its AutoSave function.
> >
> > When I exited and then re-entered this Libre file, I saw that AutoSave
> > hadn't worked.
> I need to clarify this.  If I am correct in reading this, the following
> steps took place:
> * Created file in Libreoffice; saved it in a format that Wordpad
> would understand; worked on it; closed file
> * Opened file in Wordpad, noted the lack of changes, maybe worked on it,
> closed file
> Am I correct?  If not, please outline what happened.  If I'm correct,
> please note how long you worked on the file in LibreOffice.
> Thanks,
> -Dennis

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