On 14-02-16 10:33, Patrick Dijkgraaf wrote:
While it is not a real solution to my problem, this might be something
for me to look into! I didn't know about this feature and it sounds
I do have some concers about cross-references between subdocuments and
table calculations with values from tables in a different subdocument.

Really like to hear your feed back on this.

I am having trouble with master document constructions and no one on this list could help. An assumption: Not many on this list work with large and complex documents and experiences are probably appreciated.

http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46555.html describes my problem.

Follow ups:

Long story short: If you run into trouble, the first follow up contains a procedure to solve re-paginating:

* Open document
* Update index
* Update selection for every satellite/sub document (using navigator)
* Update index again

The last follow up is a suggestion not to wrap, i.e. select picture/object > RMB > Wrap > No Wrap.

Hoping memory is serving well, I tested a 500 page document without any errors and came to the conclusion that if you insert pictures/objects as character, LO renders it straight away.

But... If you don't like to spoil empty paper then RMB wrapping objects is a must, leaving one with the need to update selections manually as described above.

Why this long text? It sounds familiar (900+ pages boiling down to 400+ pages), so it might be a related problem and that makes curious.

If you search the net you will find a few more unsolved cases where large documents contain empty parts (like 900+ minus 400+ pages = ~500 initial white space).

One last thing, you probably want to share one template for both the master and all satellite documents. You may like "Template Changer 1.2.7" by André Schnabel, works fine on See http://bugs.documentfoundation.org/attachment.cgi?id=103039, a pity it is not a standard functionality in LO.

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