Hi Wiebe,
I will share my experience with this.
However, my spare time is somewhat limited. So it might take some
before I get around to it.

PatrickOn Sun, 2016-02-14 at 12:28 +0100, Wiebe van der Worp wrote:
> On 14-02-16 10:33, Patrick Dijkgraaf wrote:
> > While it is not a real solution to my problem, this might be
> > something
> > for me to look into! I didn't know about this feature and it sounds
> > great!
> > I do have some concers about cross-references between subdocuments
> > and
> > table calculations with values from tables in a different
> > subdocument.
> Really like to hear your feed back on this.
> I am having trouble with master document constructions and no one on 
> this list could help. An assumption: Not many on this list work with 
> large and complex documents and experiences are probably appreciated.
> http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46555.html
> describes 
> my problem.
> Follow ups:
> http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46652.html
> http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46659.html
> http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46666.html
> http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46671.html
> Long story short: If you run into trouble, the first follow up
> contains 
> a procedure to solve re-paginating:
> * Open document
> * Update index
> * Update selection for every satellite/sub document (using navigator)
> * Update index again
> The last follow up is a suggestion not to wrap, i.e. select 
> picture/object > RMB >  Wrap > No Wrap.
> Hoping memory is serving well, I tested a 500 page document without
> any 
> errors and came to the conclusion that if you insert pictures/objects
> as 
> character, LO renders it straight away.
> But... If you don't like to spoil empty paper then RMB wrapping
> objects 
> is a must, leaving one with the need to update selections manually
> as 
> described above.
> Why this long text? It sounds familiar (900+ pages boiling down to
> 400+ 
> pages), so it might be a related problem and that makes curious.
> If you search the net you will find a few more unsolved cases where 
> large documents contain empty parts (like 900+ minus 400+ pages =
> ~500 
> initial white space).
> One last thing, you probably want to share one template for both the 
> master and all satellite documents. You may like "Template Changer 
> 1.2.7" by André Schnabel, works fine on See 
> http://bugs.documentfoundation.org/attachment.cgi?id=103039, a pity
> it 
> is not a standard functionality in LO.
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