Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

 > Good evening
 > I have tried all sorts of settings to prevent LibreOffice from changing 
 > (c) into the copywright symbol.
 > So far nothing has helped.
 > Setting it as an exception does not work.
 > For reasons I do not understand the conversion is NOT made when I type 
 > (C) (=capital C).
 > What is the trick required to stop Libreoffice from doing this conversion.
 > If possible, I prefer NOT to turn of autocorrect entirely.
 > Thank you.
 > Thomas

Well, you have Tools > Autocorrect > Autocorrect options
and there you delete that specific replacement. BUT: you have to do it for the 
language that your text is in. Apparently your text is not English (USA), 
because that has the (C) [Capital C] replaced by ©, not the lowercase (c). So 
check the language setting of your document (or that part of the document).
Piet van Oostrum <>
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