On 2016/07/06 15:45, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

  > Tools -> Autocorrect options -> "Replace" by language:
  > All -> no entries
  > English -> (C) -> deleted -> no change
  > Default - Japanese -> deleted -> no change
  > German/Germany -> deleted -> no change
  > German/Austria -> no fitting entry*
  > German/Belgium -> no fitting entry
  > German/Lichtenstein -> no fitting entry
  > German/Luxembourg -> no fitting entry
  > German/Switzerland -> no fitting entry
  > *    "no fitting entry" means: there IS the item ".*(c)", but that is
  > NOT what I am typing.

.*(c) looks like a regular expression. I don't know exactly what the 
interpretation of it is when doing autocorrection but I would suspect that 
these should also be deleted.
Well, I deleted the .*(c) from ALL German variants too.
Now, there is NOWHERE in the languages I use (English, Japanese, German) any such entry as (c),
but LO is still throwing the copyright mark at me.

This cannot be right.

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