On 2016/06/29 20:13, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
On 2016/06/28 18:46, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 27/06/2016 à 18:57, Thomas Blasejewicz a écrit :

Hi Thomas,

This "(c)" comes from a Japanese style of numbering (lots of) tables and
items in a manner like "3.(4).A.(c)-1".
Don't ask me, whether that is good/right or whatever. It is just the way it is and therefore the way I am supposed to render it in the translation.
I would like to think, that therre should be more elegant way ...

If there is, I would be interested too, because it is a PITA. Having to
translate from English to French with this in styles not of my making
and render the same back to a client can quickly become an exercise in
frustration ! ;-)

Posting back (better late then never) as requested about the things I tried:
Windows 10
Options -> Language -> User IF = English
*    Default language -> Western = English (USA)
            -> Asian = Default Japanese
            -> English (default) is NOT in my list

Tools -> Autocorrect options -> "Replace" by language:
All -> no entries
English -> (C) -> deleted -> no change
Default - Japanese -> deleted -> no change
German/Germany -> deleted -> no change
German/Austria -> no fitting entry*
German/Belgium -> no fitting entry
German/Lichtenstein -> no fitting entry
German/Luxembourg -> no fitting entry
German/Switzerland -> no fitting entry

* "no fitting entry" means: there IS the item ".*(c)", but that is NOT what I am typing.

So, deleting ALL instances of "(c)" I could find in all languages I use (English, Japanese, German)
still does not change anything.
When I type "(c)" in a document with German as language setting, I invariably get the copyright mark.

Do I have to delete the "related" items in all the other German variants - which I NEVER use - too to make this work? If this setting cannot be changed at all .. no offense, but that would be really stupid.

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