On Wed, Aug 01, 2018 at 11:06:19AM +1000, Derrick Lin wrote:
>    HI Reuti,
>    The prolog script is set to run by root indeed. The xfs quota requires
>    root privilege.
>    I also tried the 2nd approach but it seems that the addgrpid file has not
>    been created when the prolog script executed:
>    /opt/gridengine/default/common/prolog_exec.sh: line 21:
>    /opt/gridengine/default/spool/omega-1-27/active_jobs/1187086.1/addgrpid:
You can also extract the groupid from the config file which should be present 
on the master node
when the prolog is run.

XFS_PROJID="$(awk -F= '/^add_grp_id=/{print $2}' <${SGE_JOB_SPOOL_DIR}/config)"

NB: If you want this on the slave node of a multi-node job and you allow
multi-node jobs to share nodes (we don't) then you will need to extract 
a project id on each slave node.  Probably the best place to do this 
would be in a wrapper around rsh_daemon. However you'll need some sort of 
locking in case a program launches multiple slave tasks(most codes
just launch one slave task per node which then forks) or launches
a slave task on the master node.  


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