I'm +1 on Maven coordinate change.  That should be fairly low impact.

I agree package renames should be taken on a case-by-case basis.  Offhand,
the two biggest things that come to mind are custom ASTs, and the
compilation bits.  For the former, I'd think it shouldn't be any worse than
the groovy.transforms move.  For the latter, it might make sense to wait to
rename that package until the compilation is decoupled from the core.

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Jochen Theodorou <blackd...@gmx.org> wrote:

> On 27.03.2017 22:14, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
>> as I recall, there are also rules about jigsaw not allowing same package
>> path from multiple modules. It's not till java 9, but that maybe a
>> concern.
> That is right, yes... it is only a problem for Groovy as named or
> automatic module though. As long as Groovy stays in the
> classpath/annonymous module variant, there is no such problem with multiple
> jars, as long as the overlapping package names are all from the
> classpath/annonymous module
> bye Jochen

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