
I use apache 2.0.55 on Windows and I am experiencing a problem using mod_cache.

It is my intention to use a memory cache for images produced by a CGI program. Here is the relevant bit of httpd.conf:

<IfModule mod_cache.c>
 LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/mod_mem_cache.so
 <IfModule mod_mem_cache.c>
   CacheDefaultExpire 86400
   CacheEnable mem /
   MCacheSize 4096
   MCacheMaxObjectCount 10000
   MCacheMinObjectSize 1
   MCacheMaxObjectSize 104857600
   MCacheMaxStreamingBuffer 104857600
   MCacheSize 409600

If I let Apache log debug information, I can see that caching is active. Some caching takes place, but not the images I want cached. In that case, something like this is reported:

[Wed Mar 08 14:09:11 2006] [debug] mod_cache.c(446): cache: <request> not cached. Reason: Query string present but no expires header

There is no expiration time in the header, that is true, but shouldn't CacheDefaultExpire be used in that case? In the documentation it says: "The CacheDefaultExpire directive specifies a default time, in seconds, to cache a document if neither an expiry date nor last-modified date are provided with the document". So if there is no expires header the expiry time should be set to one day (86400 seconds) in this case, right?

Am I overlooking something? How can I get caching to work?

Thanks in advance,

Frans Knibbe

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