On Sep 7, 2006, at 10:22 AM, Dave Klema wrote:


I'm getting the famous warning when
starting/restarting apache...

"apache2: Could not determine the server's fully
qualified domain name, using for

As far as I know, this is usually a harmless emit. If you want to get rid of it, you could place a

ServerName carbon.yourdomain.com

in your main server section. However, this only applies to your main server, which will receive requests that cannot be routed to your virtual hosts. Depending on your configuration decisions, you may not need the functionality that the ServerName directive provides. It is certainly not something that you should jeopardize your Sendmail configuration for.


I have a valid domain name.  I'm hosting two websites
on my server box using Name-based virtual host.  My
question is how can apache determine the FQDN of my
server if there are two "ServerName" directives for
the two websites in the httpd.conf file?????  Seems
like its using my server boxes local IP address for
the FQDN.

My two domain names are...

Both are specified in the httpd.conf file as

The computer that is hosting these websites hostname
is "Carbon" and inside the /etc/hosts file there is a
line below the loopback line as follows.    carbon

Any idea's...   Its not a big deal but I'm not sure if
its messing up my Sendmail wrapper program that is
being utilized by the php mail() function so I would
like to fix it and move on.

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