The mod_rewrite doc mentions that the *E=**VAR*:*VAL flag *"[can be used] to
strip but remember information from URLs".

What exactly does that mean?

I need to "remember" the values of certain EV's after a rewrite process has
completed. It would be particluarly useful to me know what the original
HTTP_HOST was as requests come through for content referenced by relative
paths on the original host but the HTTP_HOST has already been rewritten.

Could I use SetEnv to create an EV called ORIGINAL_HOST and then set it to
the value of HTTP_HOST prior to rewrites so that I can reference it during
subsequent rewrites?

What would be the best method for accomplishing this? Or am I totally off
the mark regarding what SetEnv and *E=**VAR*:*VAL *do?

Any and all help, suggestions, appreciated.

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