Hi All,
I am using apache2.2 with MPM model as Worker in Solaris 5.9 .I have the
following configuration.

StartServers 1
ServerLimit 1
MaxClient 128
MaxSpareThreads 128
MinSpareThreads 1
ThreadsPerChild 128
MaxRequestPerChild 0

My requirement is to handle all the request by single process and want this
process to be active through out.Issue I get is that after Apache runs for
a longer time, one new process is launched apart from the active process
which was handling all the request.

I am not sure as why this new process is getting launched although I kept
ServerLimit and StartServers both as 1.Is the MaxRequestPerChild 0 is
creating the problem, as due to overload one more process is getting
launched or any particular module is responsible for the above?What to do to
prevent this?

Any help would be appreciated.Thanks in advance.

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