  I'm a brand-spanking new "newbie when it comes to Apache web server. I'll be 
atking a class next spring, but wanted to install it and "play" with it a bit 
before then. 
I'm running a knoppix (linux/X Windows GUI) virtual appliance within a Windows 
XP enviroment (a DSL modem connected to a wireless router, with a firewall 
enabled on the router). In looking at the contents of the virtual HD root 
folder, the /etc/apache/ directory structure is present and contains the Apache 
configuration files. So I took a "leap of faith" and assumed Apache server was 
already installed & started on this image. But when I start the Firefox browser 
and enter the url - http://localhost/ I got the following error message:
  "Unable to connect. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at the 
locahost." So this has to mean the service isn't running. I don't see it listed 
among the installed applications. Does X Windows have an equivalent of the 
Microsoft Windows control panel? I checked under the control center, system, 
utlities and settings but didn't find anything familiar. Do I need to do the 
binary install from 
  Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  Thanks & regards,

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