On Mon, September 10, 2007 18:26, Yogsothoth GV wrote:
> On 9/10/07, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yogsothoth GV wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > Sorry previous email was sent before completion.
>> > Can I configure Apache to serve webpages using UDP as transport
>> protocol
>> ?
>>    That's the silliest thing I've ever heard of.
> Yes it is silly, only if you think all data that HTML serves requires TCP
> like transport semantics. Moreover, HTML specification doesn't specify
> what
> semantics to use for transport, right ?
> However, content may impose those semantics.

Actually, the fact that nobody has implemented HTTP over UDP puts such a
constraint on you. Just because the RFC allows for it does not mean that
somebody has actually implemented it on both the server and client side.

> | >  Why would you want to?
> Say, you are streaming video/audio over HTML like Flash, quicktime.  This
> doesn't
> necessarily require TCP like semantics because delay due to packet
> retransmission or HOL blocking is bad (when serving real time data).
> However, if you are using a transport protocol like
> UDP  you might experience small disturbance, which is better than stalled
> video/audio. This
> is one reason that I can think on top of my head.

I am no expert here, but there are probably much better ways to do this
using more recent and more sophisticated protocols.

When I was working for a company that shall not be named that was working
on edge routing solutions, one of the big things was QOS and priority
scheduling of "real-time" or streaming data. Unfortunately, my knowledge
here is barely superficial as I never had to get deep into the mechanics
of that to write my test software (which ran functional testing of various
high-speed ATM optical network interfaces).

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