Jim.... here is my changed httpd.conf file:

NameVirtualHost *


    ServerAdmin ad...@prosportsresumes.com
    DocumentRoot G:/webroot/htdocs/ProSportsResumes
    ServerName www.ProSportsResumes.com


    ServerAdmin ci...@cisly.com
    DocumentRoot G:/webroot/htdocs/Cisly
    ServerName www.Cisly.com


    ServerAdmin ad...@vizbizcardz.com
    DocumentRoot G:/webroot/htdocs/VizBizCardz
    ServerName www.VizBizCardz.com


Please go visit the site.... and I've noticed something.   When I use 
IE, regardless of the host I go after, I get a mangled version of the 
ProSportsResumes site.  When I use FireFox, I get a perfect version of 
the Cisly (my mom's) site.


Jim Walls wrote:
> Joseph Morgan wrote:
>> I am having a problem configuring virtual hosts on my Apache 2.2.6
>> server. Apache ALWAYS serves up the first virtual host regardless of
>> the actual host requested.
> Well, that does not look close to my Virtual Hosts section of my 
> httpd.conf - excerpted here:
> NameVirtualHost *
>  ServerName no.name
>  DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs"
>  ServerName www.k6ccc.org
>  ServerAlias k6ccc.org *.k6ccc.org
>  DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/k6ccc.org"
>  ServerName www.thewallshouse.org
>  ServerAlias thewallshouse.org *.thewallshouse.org
>  DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache 
> Group/Apache2/htdocs/TheWallsHouse.org"
>  ServerName www.wc-phantoms.org
>  ServerAlias wc-phantoms.org *.wc-phantoms.org
>  DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache 
> Group/Apache2/htdocs/wc-phantoms.org"
> The first is the default if someone comes in looking for the IP 
> address.  This works...

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