Issue- We have web server with two instances of apache running. Its with
Worker MPM. Traffic is around 4200 hits/min on the server(both instances).
We see server getting into high load raises above 5-6 and most of the CPU
used is in "user space" by httpd process. Its a 2Dual core CPU box.  when
load reaches around 5, i checked vmstat and it gives process in cpu run
queue above 4 or 5. Since its a prod box we get alert and need to bounce.
The server environment is-

Environment - 2 apache instances with corresponding tomcat instances.
Applciation - Used to server a simple .pac file.

Scenario -

OS - RHEL2AS ( 2.4.9-e.40enterprise #1 SMP)
apache- Apache/2.0.48
arch - 32bit
memory - 4GM + 1GB swap

httpd.conf  (worker setting original)

<IfModule worker.c>
#ServerLimit         25
StartServers         2
MaxClients         300
MinSpareThreads     75
MaxSpareThreads    250
ThreadsPerChild     25
MaxRequestsPerChild  20000

KeepAlive is ON. KeaapAliveTime is default(15)

the httpd "RSS" value is appx 4.2MB

Need help in tunning apache so that best use of Hardware resources can be


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