Hi All


I also agree lowering MaxRequestsPerChild will keep busy apache in killing
and recreating child process. I dont know what Math i worked, i reconfigured
both of the  apache  instances on the server with following -

<IfModule worker.c>
ServerLimit         200
StartServers         2
MaxClients         1000
MinSpareThreads     75
MaxSpareThreads    250
ThreadsPerChild     25
MaxRequestsPerChild  20000

KeepAliveTimeout 5

There was rise in load, teh system snapshot is -

[r...@cinschpr35 root]# top
  5:46pm  up 257 days,  7:09,  5 users,  load average: 5.70, 5.31, 5.15
614 processes: 606 sleeping, 8 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states: 98.2% user,  1.1% system,  0.0% nice,  0.1% idle
CPU1 states: 99.4% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice,  0.1% idle
CPU2 states: 99.4% user,  0.1% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
CPU3 states: 98.4% user,  1.0% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:  3927672K av, 3922000K used,    5672K free,    5196K shrd, 1363088K
Swap: 1048536K av,     736K used, 1047800K free                 2112964K

32006  apache0   25   0   6796 6796  4092       R    99.8         0.1
213:21    httpd
 2306   apache0   25   0  6624 6624  4100       R    99.4         0.1
136:42    httpd
 2298 apache0   25   0  6624 6624  4100         R    97.2        0.1
135:39     httpd
 2308 apache0   25   0  6624 6624  4100          R    95.4         0.1
135:05     httpd
17059 tomcat1   15   0 82432  80M  9932        S     1.1           2.0
  9:10         java
14678 tomcat0   15   0  101M 101M 31464      S     1.1          2.6
6:32       java
16228 root      15   0  1488 1488   836              R     1.1
0.0        0:00      top
19850 tomcat1   15   0 82432  80M  9932       S     0.9           2.0
   6:16    java
 1110 tomcat0   15   0  101M 101M 31464       S     0.5         2.6
10:19    java
23605 tomcat0   15   0  101M 101M 31464      S     0.5           2.6
7:31     java

#free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3835       3828          7          5       1335       2059
-/+ buffers/cache:        433       3402
Swap:         1023          0       1023

  procs                      memory                      swap
io     system         cpu
 r  b  w   swpd   free      buff         cache      si  so    bi    bo
in    cs  us  sy  id
 5  0  1    736   8236 1367124 2108452   0   0     1    12    3     1  11
5  13
 4  0  0    736   8156 1367132 2108460   0   0     0   172  370   404  98
2   0
 4  0  1    736   8172 1367132 2108468   0   0     0     0  281   309  99
1   0
 4  0  1    736   8168 1367132 2108480   0   0     0   162  288   366 100
0   0
 5  0  1    736   8128 1367132 2108488   0   0     0     0  287   342  99
1   0
 4  0  1    736   8136 1367132 2108496   0   0     0   148  286   322 100
1   0
 5  0  1    736   8180 1367132 2108504   0   0     0     0  275   332  98
2   0
 4  0  2    736   8148 1367132 2108512   0   0     0    10  267   326  99
1   0
 4  0  1    736   8184 1367136 2108520   0   0     0   190  288   357  99
1   0
 4  0  0    736   8104 1367136 2108536   0   0     0    10  298   404  99
1   0
 4  0  2    736   7980 1367140 2108540   0   0     0   254  332   414  99
1   0
 4  0  0    736   7968 1367140 2108548   0   0     0    20  286   408  98
2   0
 5  0  1    736   7972 1367140 2108560   0   0     0     0  346   418  99
1   0
 4  0  1    736   7992 1367144 2108568   0   0     0   216  315   371 100
0   0
 5  0  0    736   8004 1367144 2108576   0   0     0     0  285   358 100
0   0
 5  0  0    736   7956 1367144 2108588   0   0     0   158  333   392 100
0   0
 6  0  2    736   7928 1367144 2108596   0   0     0     0  326   383  99
1   0
 6  0  2    736   8064 1367144 2108604   0   0     0     0  291   356 100
0   0
 4  0  0    736   8056 1367148 2108616   0   0     0   180  301   376  99
1   0
 4  0  1    736   8016 1367148 2108624   0   0     0    34  335   413  99
1   0

Above, i can see two things happened-

1> in "top" output teh httpd process eating CPU has high "TIME" value. why?
2> the vmstat output value of "r" increases. Why?

Thanks in advance


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Tadeu Alves <tadeu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i forget the other stuff i'm using moodle with some images werving with
> eaccelerator running with php and i you want i can send a conf file about
> mysql, php and apache if you would like to.
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Anthony J. Biacco <
> abia...@formatdynamics.com> wrote:
>>  1. I have to rail totally against this. The more you lower
>> MaxRequestsPerChild, the more often apache is killing and recreating a child
>> process. At numbers as low as 2000 or lower, you’re starting to defeat the
>> whole purpose of using the worker mpm.
>> >=50% of apache’s time is going to be spent managing child processes on a
>> high traffic site. MaxRequestsPerChild should either be 0 or something very
>> high. IF your process memory usage gets higher and higher, then you have a
>> memory leak somewhere.
>> 2. Don’t use ThreadLimit, stick with ThreadsPerChild
>> 3. You MaxClients doesn’t sync up to your other numbers. MaxClients is
>> going to be ServerLimit x ThreadsPerChild. So for you, 1500. If you want to
>> serve 1500 concurrent reqs, then set MaxClients to match this at 1500. If
>> you want 500, then change ServerLimit,StartServers and ThreadsPerChild so
>> the math is right. For instance, ServerLimit 10, StartServers 5,
>> ThreadsPerChild 50 will be you a MaxClients of 500.
>> If you give us your server parameters (cpu, memory, modules loaded, apache
>> rss usage, types of files served), we’d be able to better recommend numbers
>> for what your server can support.
>> -Tony
>> ---------------------------
>> Manager, IT Operations
>> Format Dynamics, Inc.
>> 303-573-1800x27
>> abia...@formatdynamics.com
>> http://www.formatdynamics.com
>> *From:* Tadeu Alves [mailto:tadeu...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Friday, March 13, 2009 8:45 AM
>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [us...@httpd] Apache Tunning
>> nice one. Getting on this hook, in my server we run moodle i dunno if you
>> guys know about it and a very high hits/second i wan't to know if going down
>> about MaxRequestsPerChild 500 will be good to performance and any idea about
>> changing my server variables to make it support more concurrent connections
>> ########################################
>> <IfModule worker.c>
>> ServerLimit          30
>> ThreadLimit          70
>> StartServers           20
>> MaxClients            500
>> MinSpareThreads        10
>> MaxSpareThreads        15
>> ThreadsPerChild        50
>> MaxRequestsPerChild  2000
>> MaxMemFree          5000
>> #ReceiveBufferSize  714400 (not using anymore)
>> #################################
>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:41 AM, Gaurav Khambhala <gau...@deeproot.co.in>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Kulbir,
>> Gaurav wrote:
>> Tadeu Alves wrote:
>> i thibk that you can down the variable
>>  MaxRequestsPerChild  20000 to 2000 it's too much and if the child process
>> keeps the request well i't grows bigger and bigger in memory
>> Even 2000 is too much. Various high load,high traffic servers also don't
>> have this much high value.
>> Found this: http://rimuhosting.com/howto/memory.jsp may be useful to you.
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Gaurav Khambhala
>> i-hack-at-DeepRoot Linux
>> Getting GNU/Linux to work for you. Faster. Better. Today. Every way.
>> http://www.deeproot.in, +91 80 4089 0000
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