> This seems precisely to be the problem.  I do have a ~/.fontconfig
> directory containing cache files.  When I delete it, the performance of the
> command line script is just as slow as the cgi script until the next time
> the command is run (e.g. after the cache is remade).    So I  guess the
> question becomes: how do I get apache and the CGI script to see and use the
> .fontconfig caches?
> Are you running on a Mac?  Perhaps there are no system fontconfig caches?

I am running on a Mac, OS 10.5.6.  I don't know if there are such caches or
where they'd be.

> Try updating the fontconfig cache as root:
>     sudo fc-cache

I did this.  I observed no difference in performance.

> Or try the same command as the user running the cgi-bin programs (apache?)
Same here.

> John

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