Yes .Probably not worth all the trouble if its going around catching my left
ear with the right hand.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Mark Watts <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2009-11-01 at 17:30 -0800, wrote:
> > Hi Folks
> >       * I am a squat on advanced Apache work. I would get a basic SSL
> >         functionality to work.
> > So works fine and gets me all the login windows I
> > designed. however currently all the images and other extensions
> > like .pdf are also using the https routing.
> > some image referred on that https link
> > e.g. c
> > can be displayed using https but not http
> Don't do this.
> Either serve it all up through SSL or don't use SSL at all.
> Reason being, many browsers (particularly those from Redmond) will
> confuse the user with requests to load "insecure items" when they
> encounter <img src=> tags and suchlike.
> Mark.
> --
> Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
> Senior Systems Engineer, Managed Services Manpower
> QinetiQ - Delivering customer-focused solutions
> GPG Key:

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