On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 3:07 PM, LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:
> On 4-Dec-2009, at 07:47, Jorge Medina wrote:
>> What a nasty member of the user list!
> Nah, just a bad case of myopia.

I think everyone is being a bit harsh on this guy. All he wanted was
to disable IPv6, which is understandable. There have been OS
vulnerabilities that have been exposed in IPv4 only when IPv6 is
enabled (IIRC), so if the guy wants to run without IPv6, let him.
There is no need for this animosity or evangelism.

Disabling IPv6 is an option for both APR and apache, this user wanted
help with those options, and mostly got abuse. If you don't think it
was abuse, swap the words IPv6 for a religion of your choice.

"Hello, I'd like to stop receiving messages about Christianity"
"Ooh, no, you just dont understand how great Christianity is going to
be for you..."



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