Can anyone help a new user of Apache2.2?  I'm trying to enable SSI on the 
server but don't seem to
be having much luck.  I've looked on google and in the FAQ and put into place 
what seems to be fairly
straightforward edits but it never works.  Hoping someone can point me in the 
right direction.

Here's what I put in my httpd.conf file:

<Directory "/var/www/html">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

    AllowOverride None

    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    AddType text/html .html
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html
    AddType text/html .htm
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .htm

I also tried experimenting with the XBitHack directive but it didn't help 
either.  Beginning to wonder if
my HTML code to include is just not in the right format.  It did work when I 
ran this webserver on
Windows 2003 Server but perhaps it's not compatible with Apache/Linux.  Here is 
the line I'm looking
to include:

<!-- #include file="game.htm" -->

I have a bunch of galleries of images in a directory structure in 
/var/www/html.  Do you have to define
each and every one in the httpd.conf file?  I tried doing that for one gallery 
but it didn't work either.

Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance.


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