I really hate to bother the group with this issue because my ignorance about
apache access is so profound. But here goes.

I was attempting to get mythweb accessible from the Internet and just all of
a sudden, it was not available (error 403).  I have spent hours editing the
hddpd.conf file, the mythweb.conf file, file permissions, implementing and
then deimplementing .htaccess files, and everything else I can find.
Unfortuanately, I can't get mythweb to show up on any browser on my lan.
This after Mythweb ran spectacularly on this system for years. The only
thing I can find that seems amiss is that my web server doesn't seem to
support php_value or php_flag.

Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-1.5mdv2010.0)
Server built:   Aug 16 2010 06:19:58

PHP 5.16

Mythweb 0.23.1

I will be more than happy to point helpers toward httpd.conf , or any other
files, at pastbin if it would help.

Can anybody tell me anything?

Mark Adams

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