Hi Rainer,
I followed those two document and corrected my configuration.
Now http started fine. But when I hit the restricted folder. I still got error.
Here is my error_log, parser fine but ldap initialization failed. How do I test 
my apache ldap function? Or do I need to recompile my apr-util?

[Wed Dec 29 15:37:12 2010] [debug] mod_authnz_ldap.c(1010): [293] auth_ldap url 
 Host:, Port: 389, DN: ou=people,dc=lynden,dc=com, attrib: 
uid, scope: subtree, filter: (objectClass=organizationalPerson), connection 
mode: not using SSL
[Wed Dec 29 15:37:12 2010] [debug] mod_authnz_ldap.c(403): [client] [293] auth_ldap authenticate: using URL 
[Wed Dec 29 15:37:12 2010] [info] [client] [293] auth_ldap 
authenticate: user dlong authentication failed; URI /EMU [LDAP: ldap 
initialization failed][Unknown error]

David Long

-----Original Message-----
From: Rainer Jung [mailto:rainer.j...@kippdata.de] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 1:19 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: FW: [us...@httpd] help on compile 2.2.17 with ldap support

On 28.12.2010 20:15, David Long wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> I downloaded apr 1.4.2 and apr-util 1.3.10
> For apr 1.4.2, I did "configure --prefix=/www/apache2/apr-httpd/"
> For apr util 1.3.10, I did "configure --prefix=/www/apache2/apr-util-httpd/ 
> --with-apr=/www/apache2/apr-httpd/ --with-ldap"
> For httpd-2.2.17
> configure \
> "--prefix=/www/apache2" \
> "--with-apr=/www/apache2/apr-httpd/" \
> "--with-apr-util=/www/apache2/apr-util-httpd/" \
> "--enable-so" \
> "--enable-proxy" \
> "--enable-ssl" \
> "--enable-deflate" \
> "--enable-rewrite" \
> "--enable-headers" \
> "--enable-cgid" \
> "--enable-ldap" \
> "--enable-authnz-ldap" \
> "$@"
> All compiled and installed fine.
> But I got error when I started http,
> # bin/apachectl start
> Syntax error on line 115 of 
> /www/apache2/conf/sites-enabled/www.lynden.com.conf:
> Invalid command 'LDAP_Server', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not 
> included in the server configuration

That's true, there is no configuration directive named "LDAP_Server".

> I had line like "LDAP_Server" in config file.

So that is a configuration error.





> I checked "util_ldap.c" is in the httpd -l listing
> # /www/apache2/bin/httpd -l
> Compiled in modules:
>    core.c
>    mod_authn_file.c
>    mod_authn_default.c
>    mod_authz_host.c
>    mod_authz_groupfile.c
>    mod_authz_user.c
>    mod_authnz_ldap.c
>    mod_authz_default.c
>    mod_auth_basic.c
>    mod_include.c
>    mod_filter.c
>    mod_deflate.c
>    util_ldap.c

Correct. This is (unfortunately) the name of mod_ldap when compiled in 

>    mod_log_config.c
>    mod_env.c
>    mod_headers.c
>    mod_setenvif.c
>    mod_version.c
>    mod_proxy.c
>    mod_proxy_connect.c
>    mod_proxy_ftp.c
>    mod_proxy_http.c
>    mod_proxy_scgi.c
>    mod_proxy_ajp.c
>    mod_proxy_balancer.c
>    mod_ssl.c
>    prefork.c
>    http_core.c
>    mod_mime.c
>    mod_status.c
>    mod_autoindex.c
>    mod_asis.c
>    mod_cgi.c
>    mod_cgid.c
>    mod_negotiation.c
>    mod_dir.c
>    mod_actions.c
>    mod_userdir.c
>    mod_alias.c
>    mod_rewrite.c
>    mod_so.c
> But there is no mod_ldap.so module in apache libexec or modules directories

Check the timestamps of the files in the libexec directoy. I expect all 
of them are older than the installation and they do not belong to your 
new installation. You compiled the modules staticaly, so they are built 
into the httpd binary, not as separate loadable module files. By default 
Apache installs all modules into a directory named modules. The name 
"libexec" was used long ago only for Apache 1.3 (and older). The modules 
below are not for Apache 1.3 but might be left overs from some other 
Apche 2.0 installation (e.g. mod_perl and mod_auth_gs do not come 
bundled with Apache).

> # ls /www/apache2/libexec
> httpd.exp             mod_dir.so            mod_proxy.so
> mod_access.so         mod_disk_cache.so     mod_proxy_connect.so
> mod_actions.so        mod_env.so            mod_proxy_ftp.so
> mod_alias.so          mod_expires.so        mod_proxy_http.so
> mod_asis.so           mod_ext_filter.so     mod_rewrite.so
> mod_auth.so           mod_file_cache.so     mod_setenvif.so
> mod_auth_anon.so      mod_headers.so        mod_speling.so
> mod_auth_dbm.so       mod_imap.so           mod_ssl.so
> mod_auth_digest.so    mod_include.so        mod_status.so
> mod_auth_gss.so       mod_info.so           mod_suexec.so
> mod_autoindex.so      mod_log_config.so     mod_unique_id.so
> mod_cache.so          mod_log_forensic.so   mod_userdir.so
> mod_cern_meta.so      mod_mem_cache.so      mod_usertrack.so
> mod_cgi.so            mod_mime.so           mod_version.so
> mod_dav.so            mod_mime_magic.so     mod_vhost_alias.so
> mod_dav_fs.so         mod_negotiation.so
> mod_deflate.so        mod_perl.so
> Can you or someone tell me what is missing?

I'd say nothing is missing, but your configuration is wrong.



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