
I am testing Apache HTTPD (2.2.17) with a benchmarking tool called Tsung.
Apache is running the default configuration files, in prefork mode.

The keep-alive is configured as follows:
Timeout                                             120
KeepAlive                                          On
MaxKeepAliveRequests              200
KeepAliveTimeout                         15

The MPM prefork is configured as follows:
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
    StartServers                                  8
    MinSpareServers                        5
    MaxSpareServers                       20
    ServerLimit                                    256
    MaxClients                                    256
    MaxRequestsPerChild              10000

Tsung creates 800 clients, and every client makes 10 requests. Each request has 
a think time (meaning a waiting time between requests) of 5 seconds.

The problem is that Tsung stops making new requests and Apache says: [error] 
server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting
I tried to increase the ServerLimit and MaxClients directives, but it does not 
improve the test (or at least the numbers I tried). If I change the test to be 
done with HTTP 1.0, then the test is done perfectly, without any error. And if 
I reduce the waiting time between requests the test completes successfully.

There is some explanation to this problem? Lighttpd, Nginx, Cherokee and others 
work well with this test, without any error.
Thanks for the help.
Albert Hidalgo

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