On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Chris Arnold

> Apache2.2.3 on SLES10. I was hoping my firewall (sonicwall tz180w enhanced
> software) would do this but it looks like it might not. We have 4 servers
> with private ip's and our firewall has 1 public ip. These servers run
> different services like mail, web and the other things. We are looking at
> another service (ticketing system) that can not run on but port 80. Port 80
> is on the a different server. I need to know if apache is able to see an
> dns address and forward to the correct server. Example:
> http://cloudservice.domain.com on port 80 and
> http://mailservice.domain.com on port 80 (these are different servers
> with private ip's). Can apache see the xxx://cloudservice.xx.com and
> forward to the correct server versus xxx://mailservice.xxx.com.
> I hope what i need is clear as i am having a hard time describing it.
> Basically, i need same port to go to different servers based on the dns
> address from the outside (public ip).

You could set up a single instance of Apache that acts as a reverse proxy
to the other servers.
For example:
<VirtualHost cloudservice.example.com:80>
    ServerName cloudservice.example.com
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /
<VirtualHost mailservice.example.com:80>
    ServerName mailservice.example.com
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /

Note that I did not test these configs, this is just a sample. You will
probably want some kind of security (SSL, maybe using SNI if you do not
have clients using IE or Chrome on Windows XP.)

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