Hello All,

I am new to Apache web server and its configuration. I have a very simple
question and I think most of you would have a ready answer for my question

I am developing an application that will be part of a container
application. The container application handles the user authentication
part. My application would receive the authentication information and I
will use that to show/hide parts of my application. The container
application is on an integration machine and my application is currently on
my local. I cannot run the container application on my local machine.

My question is - can i point the link to my application on the container
application to my local machine using ProxyPass or ProxyPassReverse? The
link on the container application to my application is
. I was trying to do something like this:

ProxyPass /myapp/ http://localhost:8080/myapp
ProxyPassReverse /myapp/ http://localhost:8080/myapp

Will something like this work?

Also, the user information is stored in session by the container app. Will
I have access to that information?

Thanks in advance


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