On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What errors exactly?

That was a good question :)

This is browser dependent, there is no error inside Apache (nothing
about it in error.log or access.log).
Firefox and Seamonkey say "Failed to Connect"
Opera says "Found. The document was moved _here_" (with a link i can
click to get to the page i wanted to redirect to)
Safari says something like he can't open the page (have this in german
only, can't tell what it is exactly in english)
Internet Explorer shows something similar (can't  display, it's also
in german for me)

To be more specific what i did in httpd.conf:

 <IfModule proxy_module>
    ProxyRequests On
        <Proxy *>
                Require local
                <If "!(%{HTTP_HOST}=~/.org$/)">
                        RedirectMatch .* http://www.wikipedia.org

This is only a simplified example, but shows the issue. As I said, it
has to be done with https:... sites, everything works fine for just

And of course I did load mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http and
mod_proxy_connect earlier in the conf :)

Seems I'll have to examine that problem a little deeper. It's not only
Apache or Redirect involved, but also how Browsers handle this. I'll
post again when I know more.

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